Dissent Skateboard Team
Since 2009 Dissent have tried to support local (and not so local) skateboarders however we can through our social platforms and helping with skateboarding product. The Skateboard Team brings together a crew of passionate skaters who push the boundaries of park and street skating. As a team, they represent our commitment to supporting the skate community and driving the culture, helping to make skateboarding inclusive to all.
Have a read of the Bio's for the current team members at Dissent and make sure to take a look at their Instagram profiles whilst you're there!
Thank you to Jess Bennett @hu5tribe for the pictures
Name: Reece James Vickers
How long have you skated? Too long! 24 years.
Least favourite trick? Inward heelflips.
Favourite thing to have for breakfast? Peanut butter on toast.
What's your current set-up? Parallel 8.5" Deck, Slappy 8.75" Trucks, Powell Dragons Wheels 53mm 93a, Indy GP-B Bearings, Deez Nutz Bolts.
Do you think you'll still be skating in 10 years time? Fingers crossed, hopefully if I keep taking care of myself.
Check out Reece's Instagram channel here and give him some support!
Name: Tony Sharp (aka Krusty)
Age: Wine
How long have you skated? 16 years
Least favourite trick? I don't like tricks that are shit
Favourite thing to have for breakfast? Pain
What's your current set-up? Pain
What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years time? Owner of Dissent
Check out Krusty's Instagram channel now and show him some support!
Name: Maisie (aka Goofymais)
Age: 23
How long skated? 2.5 years
Least favourite trick? Who cares about that, focus on the things that make you happy! Something I don't like right now might be my favourite thing this time next year so I try to just focus on the things i'm enjoying in the now.
Favourite breakfast? Smoothies, fruit and pastries.
What's your set-up? Currently skating a Heroin Deck, Indie Hollow Trucks, Ricta Cloud Wheels and Bones Reds Bearings.
Do you think you'll still be skating in 10 years time? Hell yeah! Sk8 or die dude!
Check out Goofymais Instagram channel now and show some love!
Name: Isaac Thresh
Age: 20
Least favourite trick: Dolphin flips - feel grim, look grim, fuck em!
Favourite trick: Impossible
Do you think you'll still be skating in 10 years time? Hell yeah! It'll be the death of me!
Check out Isaac's Instagram page now and show him some support!
Name: Jamie Lee Brodie
Age: 33
How long skated? 13 years
Least favourite trick? Hard flips because I can't do em
Favourite trick? Heelflips, Krooks and Nollie back 1's (I can't pick one)
Favourite thing for breakfast? Full English piled up!
What's your current set-up? Parallel board, Deez Nutz Bolts, Independent Trucks, Bronson G3 Bearings, Jessup Grip, Dissent stickers...blessings from the Druids of old!
Do you think you'll be skating in 10 years time?
I'll be using my board instead of a mobility scooter!
Be sure to check out Jamie's Instagram page and show some love!